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Gavan Patrick Gray (Tsuda University) <gray@tsuda.ac.jp>

Gavan Patrick Gray is an Associate Professor at Tsuda University’s College of Policy Studies in Tokyo and coordinator of its Communication Program. He has a Ph.D in International Relations and undergraduate degrees in International Security and Counter-Terrorism. His current research involves a three-year government-funded study of responses to Violence Against Women & Children in Japan, Thailand and the EU but he continues to research and write on issues of international security.

Julian Pigott (Ryukoku University) <pigott@world.ryukoku.ac.jp>

Julian Pigott is Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Studies, Department of Global Studies, at Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan. He teaches courses in language acquisition theory, applied linguistics, the psychology of language learning, communication theory, and research methods to graduate and undergraduate students. He gained his MA in applied linguistics from the University of Birmingham in 2008, and his Ph.D. (also applied linguistics) from the University of Warwick in 2016. He is currently pursuing research within disparate fields on education policy, the new media, and political discourse.

Patrick Strefford (Kyoto Sangyo University) <pstrefford@cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp>

Patrick Strefford is Professor of International Relations at Kyoto Sangyo University, where he teaches courses on International Relations, International Development and the Theory of Knowledge. His research focuses on Myanmar’s foreign relations, particularly aid donors’ policies and practices towards Myanmar, focusing especially on that of Japan’s. He is a co-editor of an upcoming volume on Myanmar’s transition. In 2013, he was awarded a Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences grant to support research into international aid to support the transition in Myanmar. He was the Principal Researcher, focusing on donor assistance to capacity building in the public sector.

Editorial Committee

Gavan Patrick Gray (Tsuda University)
Justin Harris (Kindai University)
Paul Jackanich (University of Montreal)
Sean McCollum (Doshisha International Junior and Senior High School)
Julian Pigott (Ryukoku University)
Rachael Rudolph (Bryant University)

Patrick Strefford (Kyoto Sangyo University)